Zachary is an ambitious results-oriented young professional experienced and interested in digital marketing, law, and AI attending Claremont McKenna College. Academically, Zachary is a prospective PPE major Data science and legal studies minors. Professionally, Zac has developed proven business creativity and technical skills in leading media and data software such as Canva, Excel, HTML, Python, CSS, R, Tableau, SQL, and Unix. Zachary brings a background in digital marketing and SEO optimization using Gmail, Gmelius, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Google Analytics. Zachary is aiming to leverage skills in collaboration, mentorship, and personal growth to commit to excelling with Zac’s peers in the CIE Fellows program. At the intersections of data science, business, and law, Zac hopes to leverage Zac’s unique skills to bridge gaps between teams, to maximize efficiency and accuracy. Outside of CIE, you will see Zac currently involved in the following projects in media, data, AI, and law: Speech and Debate Stories – Director of Outreach and Social Media Moderator Kravis Lab – Program Staff Media Strategist CMC Forum – Social Media Manager Claremont Marketing Group – Marketing Associate for Modaworks Vector Data Analytics – Excel and Python Analyst P-ai (Project AI) – Member Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy – Staff Writer Claremont Creative Coterie – Writer Triumph Debate – Co-Director of National Speech and Debate content Online Debate Institute (ODI), University of Texas (UTNIF), Victory Briefs Institute (VBI), PepTalk, Womenindebate (W.IN), Basis Independent Silicon Valley high school – Debate Coach/Consultant Claremont Government society – Member