
Below is a list of resources helpful for learning about or building parts of a startup, from the financial and legal aspects to coding & design.

Firstly, all students are recommended to sign up for the Github Student Developer Pack, even if you have never written a line of code. It provides hundreds of dollars worth of free tech resources that can help bootstrap any startup. One only needs to make an account and provide proof that they’re enrolled in school. Its free resources include:

  • 2 years of domain registrations
  • $200+ worth of credits with cloud companies (AWS, DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure)
  • 6 months-access to premium coding tutorials
  • Waived transaction fees on Stripe payment processing


Finance & Legal


Coding & Development


Product & Design

  • ProductHunt
  • 99Design
    • This website has several 10-15 minute tutorials and guides on specific aspects of visual design, from creating logos to typography lessons

