Tyler Chen

Tyler Chen

Hi, my name is Tyler Chen and I am a senior at CMC majoring in Economics and Finance, part of the Robert Day Scholars Program. I hail from Los Altos, CA right in the heart of Silicon Valley and have been in interested in technology for all of my life. My dad has worked in the Silicon Valley for last 20 years (moving from large companies like Yahoo to smaller companies like Hightail) and now is an entrepreneur with own mobile application. While I am very interested in technology (fintech, AI, and cybersecurity), I am also interested in the world of finance. My passion lies at the intersection of both technology and finance, hopefully with the end goal of finding a career that can combine both of these interests. This summer I will be working as an investment banking analyst at Cascadia Capital, part of their technology team. In the future, I am interested in learning about opportunities in technology private equity, VC or even becoming a CFO of a start-up company.