Evan Kim

Evan Kim

Evan is a student in the class of 2024 from Bothell, WA. He attends Claremont Mckenna College and is a 3+2 Economics and Engineering major. His prolific experience as a competitive athlete has reinforced his growth in leadership and interpersonal skills that now drives his venture into entrepreneurship. In his first year at CMC, Evan had the opportunity to complete his first client-based engineering project at Harvey Mudd College. From this experience, he discovered a passion for product innovation and engineering design. Evan’s professional interests currently lie in the modern application of technology in an evolving business industry. In his time with CIE, he hopes to gain a comprehensive understanding about how to engineer innovative products and ideas and restructure them into scalable, future-oriented companies. Evan is also a member of the CMS Varsity Men’s Soccer program, and likes working out, reading, and watching Rick and Morty in his free time.